Village of Mazomaine
"Right now, we have 195 people on our texting list and more are signing up every day!"
"Right now, we have 195 people on our texting list and more are signing up every day!"
CloseBy®Text gives Cities the ability to keep residents in "the know".
"We live in a busy fast paced world and it is great to have instant communication with our congregation.”
"We have received very positive feedback regarding our text program because it is so user-friendly."
“No other form of marketing can do this for any business”
CloseBy® Text makes last minute changes easy to communicate.
Use CloseBy®Text to fill your reservation calender!
"Texts work better than a coupon or an email."
"CloseBy® Text Marketing allows us to send customers instant savings!"
"My dedicated account manager helps me create intelligent messages to send to my customers!"